India, an impaired nation.

Shihana Fathima
3 min readJan 26, 2020


The best gift we can give someone else is light, which can eradicate darkness in their life..

The crowd, spontaneous protests, provoking slogans, rivarly, strike, verbal attack, heated arguments. This is the face of India right now. The MODIfication of India brought a drastic changes in every sectors. In last 6 years, India witnessed something new which is never experienced before. But is this the real India?

The largest democratic country is the result of the pioneering nationalists, intellectuals, social reformers. The foundation of our nation is that, it always allows the solitary voice to grow into cluster roar. The comfortless isolation is always eradicated by the company of another person. The efforts and sufferings of million people who shaped our country, our India, cannot be numerically codified. The good souls in the past made us a Constitution which supports the growth of the basic ideology 'Unity in Diversity’. But, India now witnessing the toughest phase after independence.

The countable richest people in our country along with hardwork and healthy dose of luck, made their respectable position in nation. The unequal wealth distribution in our nation is creating a new division. The concept of richer person is getting richer and poorer person getting poorer, still finds its importance in society. The transparency in implementing laws and rules are getting blocked in course of time. There are some set of people racking up debts, striving to end a day with essentials, lacking primary sources. The laws and rules are working in another manner for them. Even though, they fought for their rights, the sound is heard only after some span of time. The quote, delayed justice is equivalent to injustice, is well described for the lowest set of people in the society. The lower class of people(based on wealth) are fighting themselves to reach on top. If the top holders have a mind to bent down to reach up to a medium level, then the struggle of common man can be reduced.

The climate change, constant sexual assault, poverty, unemployment, MeToo movements, farmer death, are still trending disputes in India. However, the frequency is rising exponentially. Societal shifts are emerged in order to overcome these hashtagged topics. But there are some delegates in the country, which is less than 1% of whole population, who are not at all experienced these problems and still believing India is a beautiful, peaceful country. The internal bleeding of India is a suffering to middle class and lower class people. If there's any person who is yelling out that, 'Nothing has changed in India. Justice is served equally among all Indians', then it's a clear indication that he belongs either in ruling party or in the 1% of ultra rich person in India. This is a serious problem. The rulers and the wealthiest people in nation doesn't find any problems in India!

India in reality, witnessing new problems at every dawn. The recent outrage is based to the National Register of Citizens. For an insult to Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, Citizenship Amendment Act is passed by Loksabha and Rajyasabha.. This controversial Act, reaches upto different nations and most of them are against this. This is giving the clear cut picture of future India. The ruling government planting the seeds of religion rivarly in the people’s mind. The idea of Secularism is losing its meaning.The strategy used by Britishers -Divide and Rule- is repeating in 2020. The sound of protesters are not audible to the rulers. This is the sign that slowly the idea of democracy will be vanished from Constitution.

LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY. These are the words highlighted in the Preamble of Indian Constitution. The word SECULAR is down. Several other words are in the verge of extinction. Many more words are going to vanish. The current situation in India can be compared with the dystopian novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. The rules and laws are biased by the ruling party, according to their priority.

What we can do is to speak out. Speak out for the protection of our Constitution. Yeah, India is impaired, but we can mend it to back. The rich and proud heritage of India can be achieved again. Creating a better India is a risk. But, if we can, then it must be a great asset for our future generation.



Shihana Fathima
Shihana Fathima

Written by Shihana Fathima

I am slowly recuperating from the distortions

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